
With the structuring of the Product Development Department in 1961, we launched R&D activities, becoming a pioneer in the Turkish automotive industry. These activities led to the design and development of “Anadol, the first Turkish passenger car” produced in 1966, and ERK, Turkey’s first local diesel engine, in 1986. After establishing an equal partnership with Ford in 1997, we developed the Transit Connect, our first large-scale project, followed by the new Cargo truck and Ecotorq, a brand new heavy duty vehicle engine, in 2003.

Our R&D organization possesses all the capabilities and infrastructure required to design, develop, and test a whole vehicle, including its engine, from scratch to the complete commercial product. The company employs cutting-edge technology to offer competitive products developed by a highly-skilled R&D workforce not only for Turkey but also all potential export markets, including Europe and North America.
As the biggest R&D organization in the Turkish automotive industry and with over 1,300 R&D engineers, we export engineering to the international markets. Our total engineering exports since 2010 reached $ 697 million.
As part of the ongoing research and product development activities for Ford Motor Company and Ford Otosan, several projects in different scales are carried out on engine and powertrain systems, interior and exterior body, chassis systems, and electrical and electronic systems of the vehicles. Following the technological transformation in the automotive industry, and in addition to conventional automotive products and services, advanced R&D studies are carried out on a wide array of topics including reduction of CO2 emissions, connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles and electrification as well as light vehicle technologies. Investments in the R&D infrastructure also continue.

As the support center for Ford’s light commercial vehicle design and engineering, our R&D organization is also the global engineering center for Ford’s heavy trucks and their diesel engines and engine systems.