Board of Directors

Rahmi M. Koç

Rahmi M. Koç

Honorary Chairman
Honorary Chairman of Koç Holding A.Ş.
Mr. Rahmi M. Koç earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Johns Hopkins University (USA).
Mr. Rahmi M. Koç earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Johns Hopkins University (USA). Rahmi M. Koç started his active career at Otokoç Ankara in 1958. He then became Chairman of the Executive Committee of Koç Holding in 1970, Vice President of the Board in 1975, and Chairman of the Managing Committee in 1980. He was elected as Chairman of Koç Holding in 1984. He handed over his position to Mustafa V. Koç on 4 April 2003. Rahmi M. Koç has remained a Board Member and assumed the title
of Honorary Chairman. Koç, who has been a Member of the Ford Otosan Board of Directors since 1961 and Chairman of the Board since 1972, is currently Honorary Chairman of the Ford Otosan Board of Directors since 10 December 2012. Rahmi M. Koç is or has been affiliated with many institutions and organisations including:
• The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, Honorary Trustee
• Former President of the International Chamber of Commerce
• Co-Chairman of the Business Advisory Council for South East Europe
• Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Vehbi Koç Foundation
• Honorary Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Koç University
• Founder and Chairman of the Board of the Rahmi M. Koç Museum and Cultural Foundation
• Chairman of the Board of the Vehbi Koç Foundation American Hospital
• Honorary Chairman and Founding Member of TURMEPA, The Turkish Marine and Environment Protection Association
• Honorary Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Turkish Industrial and Business Association
• Member of the Advisory Board of the Turkish Employers Association
• Founding Chairman of the Global Relations Forum 
• Former President of the Turkish Greek Business Council 
• Former Member of the Allianz Aktiengesellschaft International Advisory Board
• Former Member of the JP Morgan International Council
• Former Member of the International Advisory Board of the US Council on Foreign Relations
Honorary Doctorate Degrees:
Johns Hopkins University, Eskisehir Anadolu University, İzmir Ege University, Ankara Bilkent University, Constanta Ovidius University and Aydın Adnan Menderes University.
Merits and Degree:
“Outstanding Service Award” by the President of Turkey, “Grosses Verdienst Kreuz” (Germany Great Service) by the German government, “Order of High Merit of the Italian Republic” by Italy, “the Order of Merit” by the Presidency of the Republic of Austria,  Hadrian Award by the World Monuments Fund, Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy, BNP Paribas Philanthropy Award,  "Outstanding Service Award in Decorative Arts" at "Iris Foundation Awards”, “(Honorary) Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (CBE)”, “Responsible Capitalism Lifetime Achievement Award” from FIRST, “Officier dans L’Ordre National de la Legion D’Honneur” which is the most prestigious order of French government and  medal of the US-based Foreign Policy Association.
Ali Yıldırım Koç

Ali Yıldırım Koç

Vice Chairman - Koç Holding A.Ş. Board of Directors
Mr. Ali Y. Koç capped his undergraduate studies at the Management Faculty of Rice University (USA) with an MBA from Harvard Business School.

He started his career at American Express Bank as a Management Trainee and continued as an Investment Analyst at Morgan Stanley Investment Bank. Mr. Ali Y. Koç joined Koç Holding in 1997 and held senior-level positions until 2010 including new business development and information technologies. He was the President of Corporate Communications and IT Group. He has been serving as a Board Member at Koç Holding since 2008 and was elected as Vice Chairman in February 2016. Ali Y. Koç has been serving on the Board of Directors at Ford Otosan since 1997 and was elected as Chairman on 10 December 2012. Currently, Ali Y. Koç is the Chairman of Ark İnşaat, Bilkom, Digital Panorama, Koç Financial Services, Koçtaş, Otokar, Otokoç, Setur and Yapı Kredi Bank. Ali Y. Koç also contributes to the country’s social and economic development at Fenerbahçe as Chairman, URAK – National Competition Research Association as President, Executive Board Member of European Club Association, Endeavor Association and TUSİAD, Foreign Economic Relations Board as Board Member. He is member of the Global Advisory Council of Bank of America, Harvard University and CFR. He is also consultant of Chatham House and representative of Turkey at Confederation of British Industry.  

Kieran Cahill

Kieran Cahill

Vice Chairman
Vice President – Industrial Operations Europe and IMG, Ford Blue

Mr. Cahill has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering from the University of Hertfordshire, and a Master of Science degree in Automotive Engineering, Design and Management from the same university. 

Cahill has held a number of other senior management roles in Ford of Europe, including director, Powertrain Operations, from 2016 to 2018. He has also led the Powertrain Manufacturing Engineering and European FPS organizations and held several plant operational senior leadership positions. In 2020, Mr. Cahill was Director, Manufacturing, Strategic Projects, Ford of Europe and was Director, Manufacturing, U.K. and Romania. Mr. Cahill was vice president, Manufacturing, Ford of Europe, and he was named Board Chair for Ford Motor Company Limited. Mr. Cahill currently has been serving as vice president, Industrial Operations Europe & IMG, effective March 2022. Mr. Cahill is a Member of the Board of Directors of Ford Otosan since March 21, 2022. He has also been serving as the member of the Remuneration Committee since December 1, 2022.

Johan Egbert Schep

Johan Egbert Schep

General Manager – Ford Pro Europe
Mr. Schep earned a master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management Science from Eindhoven University of Technology.

Mr. Schep joined Ford in 1995 and his experience at Ford includes roles as Regional Director of European Sales Operations – responsible for Marketing, Sales and After-Sales in North, Central and Eastern Europe, North Africa and Central Asia – and as Managing Director, Ford Netherlands. He served as Director, Product Marketing, Ford of Europe, beginning in February 2015. Mr. Schep was General Manager, Commercial Vehicles, Ford of Europe between 2016 and 2021 and in this role, he was responsible for leading Ford’s Commercial Vehicles business line in Europe. Currently, he is General Manager of Ford Pro Europe, the global business and brand within Ford dedicated to delivering the most comprehensive solutions to commercial customers. Mr. Schep was appointed as Ford Otosan Board Member on December 1, 2022.

Dave Johnston

Dave Johnston

Vice President - Transformation and Partnerships

Johnston began his career at Ford UK in 1995, holding various finance and leadership roles across regions such as Asia Pacific and Europe. He joined Ford Otosan as Deputy General Manager in 2019, and as of July 1st, 2024, he serves as Vice President of Transformation and Partnerships at Ford in Europe.

Johnston started working at Ford UK in 1995 and held various finance positions in areas such as Production, Product Development, Profit Analysis, and Marketing and Sales until 2003. From 2003 to 2010, he took on various leadership roles within Ford's Premier Automotive Group. He then returned to Ford as the Finance Manager for Asia Pacific Passenger Vehicle Product Development. Between 2011 and 2013, Johnston served as CFO in Bangkok, followed by finance leadership roles at Ford Europe and Germany from 2013 to 2016. From 2017 to 2018, he was the CFO of Ford Asia Pacific based in Shanghai. In 2019, Johnston joined Ford Otosan as Deputy General Manager. He holds a degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge and a Master’s in Manufacturing Leadership. As of July 1st, 2024, he currently serves as Vice President of Transformation and Partnerships at Ford in Europe.

John Davis

John Davis

Director, Electric Vehicle Van and Bus Programs

John Davis is the Director of Electric Vehicle Van and Bus programs, based at Ford’s Dunton Technical Centre, UK.  John is responsible for leading Ford’s EV commercial vehicle product lines serving Ford Pro globally.

Prior to this role, John served as the Director of Vehicle and Product Engineering for Ford Next LLC, a unique business unit within Ford Motor Company.   John was responsible for leading Ford’s commercial autonomous vehicle development, including the integration with Argo AI, as well as the development of self-driving systems integration and related technologies.

Davis joined Ford in 1989 and has a held a series of positions within Ford and Lincoln, including Global Chief Program Engineer for Lincoln’s Aviator, Chief Program Engineer for Ford’s North American commercial vehicles and Chief Program Engineer of North American small cars. 

He has also served in a number of key management roles in Ford’s Product Development, including product planning, vehicle engineering and program management for Explorer and Super Duty vehicles.

Davis holds a Master of Engineering Management from Wayne State University and a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Illinois.  He has also served on the Industrial Advisory Board for Lawrence Technological University’s Department of Engineering Technology since 2008 and regularly speaks at the University of Michigan Dearborn School of Business.  Davis also serves on the Oversight Committee of the Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization (MTRAC) Innovation Hub for Advanced Transportation.

Levent Çakıroğlu

Levent Çakıroğlu

Koc Holding Board Member, CEO
Levent Çakıroğlu graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences, Business Administration Department and received his master’s degree from University of Illinois. 
He started his career as an Assistant Auditor at the Ministry of Finance in 1988, where he worked as a Senior Auditor between 1991 and 1997. He was appointed as Assistant Manager of Financial Crimes Investigation Board between 1997 and 1998, meanwhile he taught as a Part Time Instructor at Bilkent University. Çakıroğlu, joined Koç Group in 1998 as Koç Holding Financial Group Coordinator. He was the General Manager of Koçtaş between 2002 and 2007 and the CEO of Migros between 2007 and 2008. He was assigned as the CEO of Arçelik in 2008 and also became President of the Durable Goods Group of Koç Holding in April 2010. Çakıroğlu has been appointed as the CEO of Koç Holding in April 2015 and currently serves as the CEO  of Koç Holding. Levent Çakıroğlu who has been a Koç Holding Board Member since April 2016, has been assigned as the Member of the Board of Directors at Ford Otosan on March 21, 2022.  He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arçelik- LG and TürkTraktör, the Vice Chairman of Yapı Kredi Bank and Otokar and Member of the Board of Directors at various Koç Holding companies.
Haydar Yenigün

Haydar Yenigün

Automotive Group President - Koç Holding
Haydar Yenigün graduated from Yıldız Technical University in Mechanical Engineering and joined Ford Otosan in 1987.

He served to the Company in many different departments in production and worked as a Project engineer between 1992 and 1997. Once Ford Motor Company and Koç Holding decided to equalize the shares in Ford Otosan, he continued serving in different positions during the initiation of the Kocaeli Plant. In 1998, he was appointed as Project Leader for the Kocaeli Plant. He worked as Body Construction Area Manager in the Kocaeli Plant between 1999 and 2007 and served as Kocaeli Plant Manager and Assistant General Manager from 2007 to 2012. He was appointed as Ford Otosan General Manager and Board Member in 2012. He was assigned as the President of Automotive Group of Koç Holding as of April 1, 2022. Currently, Mr. Yenigün is a member of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), a member of the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSIAD), and Vice Chairperson of the Turkish-American Business Council Executive Committee (TAIK). Besides, he served as the Chairperson of the Automotive Manufacturers Association (OSD) Board of Directors between March 2018 and March 2022 and a member of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) Board of Directors between 2020 and 2022.

 Füsun Akkal Bozok

Füsun Akkal Bozok

Independent Member
Mrs. Bozok earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Istanbul University.
She also holds an MBA from Boğaziçi University and a PhD in Business Administration from İstanbul University. She started her career as an Auditor at Arthur Andersen in 1980. In 1983, she joined Koç Holding as an auditor at the Internal Audit Department. After serving as an Audit Coordinator between 1992 and 2003, she was appointed Finance Director in 2003. Bozok also worked as a Project Manager between 1995 and 1996 under Koç Group’s MIS Project. Bozok continued her career at Koç University between 2006 and 2008 as a member at the Faculty of Computer Systems Supervision and International Finance. She was a member of the Sabancı University International Finance and Auditing Faculty between 2008 and 2020. Füsun Bozok was a Board Member at Yapı Kredi Bankası between 2004 and 2018, at Akiş GYO between 2017 and 2021, at İzocam between 2018 and 2021 . She was appointed as an Independent Board Member at Bizim Toptan in 2017 and at Tat Gıda Sanayi, and Ford Otosan in 2018 and at Gözde Girişim Sermayesi in 2020. Bozok also holds CMB CreditRating, Corporate Governance, Advanced Level and Derivative Licenses.
Prof. Dr. Katja Windt

Prof. Dr. Katja Windt

Independent Member

Katja Windt is member of the Managing Board of SMS group in Germany. Katja Windt is responsi-ble for the global service, electrics and automation and digital business, as well as the digital trans-formation and for the regional business of China and Americas.

Following her degree, in 1995, in mechanical engineering at Leibniz University Hannover – including a stay at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a visiting scholar – she completed her doctorate at the Institute for Production Systems and Logistics in 2000 and subsequently took up the position of head of department at the Institute for Production and Logistics (BIBA) at the University of Bremen. In 2008, Windt was appointed as Associate Professor of "Global Production Logistics" at Jacobs University (renamed Constructor University) and in 2009 as Full Professor of “Global Production Logistics”. Before joining SMS group in 2018, she was appointed as President of Jacobs University Bremen and served as Provost and Acting President between 2013-2014.

Katja Windt is currently an honorary professor at Constructor University and gives guest lectures at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, US as well as at RWTH Aachen, Germany. Katja Windt is a member of the German National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech) and the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in Germany. She is active in various supervisory boards in the business and commerce sector (since 2012 Supervisory Board Fraport AG, since 2022 Ford Otosan Board of Directors, from 2011-2023 Supervisory Board Deutsche Post DHL group).

Güven Özyurt

Güven Özyurt

Ford Otosan Leader
Mr. Özyurt graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in 1989 and completed an MBA at Istanbul University in 1990.
In the same year, he joined Ford Otosan as a Method Engineer. After taking on various positions in the fields of Product Development, Service and Quality Engineering, Export and Sales Planning, he became a Project Engineer in the Kocaeli Plant Project Team in 1997. He worked as Project Leader of the same team from 1998 to 1999. In 2000, he was appointed Material Planning Manager. He was appointed as Assistant General Manager - Material Planning and Logistics in 2010 and as Assistant General Manager – Purchasing on June 1, 2014. He served as Assistant General Manager - Operations between 2019 and 2022. He has been appointed as Ford Otosan Leader as of April 1, 2022. He has been serving as corporate coach at Koç Group since 2013 and he is a member of the Board of Directors at Ford Otosan since March 21, 2022.
Josephine M. Payne

Josephine M. Payne

Ford Otosan Leader
Payne joined Ford Otosan as Ford Otosan Craiova President after the transfer of ownership of the Craiova Plant from Ford of Europe to Ford Otosan in 2022.
She graduated from the University of Southampton’s Electronic Engineering Department, and she received her master’s degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe. She joined Ford of Europe in 1996 and, through 2013, held many manufacturing responsibilities in Liverpool, Cologne and Dunton. She served as Global Powertrain Assembly Manager in Ford North of America between 2013 and 2017. She returned to Ford of Europe as Production Area Manager (Dagenham) in 2017. Payne, who was appointed as Craiova Engine Plant Manager in 2018, held the positions of Assistant Plant Manager - Craiova Vehicle Operations and Ford Romania President & Craiova Site Director in Ford Romania between 2018-2022. As of May 1, 2023;  she is the Deputy General Manager of Ford Otosan.

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