HR approach

Our HR vision; With innovative Human Resources practices, we aim to make Ford Otosan a company where all our colleagues say "I'm glad to be a part of Ford Otosan," with high employee engagement and being the most preferred company. We work to continuously improve the experience of our companions on the way to innovation, development, career, life, and success.

Our HR mission; We are proud to be the place where everyone works to do their best under all circumstances and where we unleash our potential. In this direction, together with our company strategy, we dream to shape our sector and our future based on equal opportunities, respectful to differences and ethical values on the way to life, focused on revealing potential and supporting high performance on the way to development, always aspiring to reach further and better for both ourselves and our world on the way to success, and we see it as our mission to develop and implement Human Resources systems that will inspire the journeys of others by sharing these dreams.

Our Agile Working Approach at Ford Otosan

On our agile working journey, we are progressing with the vision of becoming Turkey's most valuable and preferred industrial company. We embrace a culture that continuously learns, adapts, and implements better practices by learning from each other and the best, breaking the mold by acquiring the competencies of tomorrow today. To achieve our vision and implement our strategies, we needed a common set of understandings, values, and behaviors. In 2017, we reshaped our cultural values and principles, which we refer to as Dynamic Balance.

In 2020, we started agile transformation efforts to reflect our Dynamic Balance culture to the way we do business and to enable us to discover our true potential on the road to our vision. We set out to prioritize a people-oriented approach in our transformation journey and to make this process a mechanism and an exciting experience that nourishes team spirit, reinforces our dynamic culture and triggers our impulses to generate ideas.

We work by adopting our agile values and principles throughout Ford Otosan with the involvement of all our office employees. Our company, which received 3 stars in 2023 from the organizational agility assessment conducted by the Business Agility Institute, an international, independent organization, achieved this success by being evaluated on the axes of culture, customer orientation, leadership, operational flexibility and value orientation. We are one of the six companies that have achieved this success among other automotive and manufacturing companies of similar scale worldwide. In this study, where we were evaluated on the axes of culture, customer orientation, leadership, operational flexibility and value orientation, we outperformed 89% of 1,800 organizations and ranked in the top 11% worldwide. In this process, we are building a structure that encourages customer orientation, operational flexibility and team spirit. Because we move forward together every step on the way to success.

Equality Principles of Implementation Principles

- We offer equal opportunity in employment.

- We exhibit human-oriented approaches in working conditions.

- We reflect the principles of equality in our training-development processes on the way to development.

- We offer equal opportunities for career advancement.

- We act fairly in the management of wages and benefits.

- We strive to disseminate our principles of equality to our stakeholders.

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