Working Towards Zero Emission Target, Ford Trucks to Develop Its First Fuel Cell Powered F-MAX

Ford Trucks, which produces innovative and sustainable solutions with its engineering and R&D expertise, will gain significant know-how in the realm of hydrogen technologies as well as FCEV research and demonstration through this initiative and incorporate it into its mass production plan. It will also be able to observe the market effects of the Fuel Cell vehicle.
Ford Trucks pioneers sustainable transportation technologies
Ford Trucks is committed to achieving zero emissions in heavy commercial vehicle production by 2040 to mitigate the effects of climate change. Ford Trucks' dedication to achieving a zero-emission future is demonstrated through its active involvement in the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association's (ACEA) Heavy Vehicle Roadmap Joint Statement. By endorsing this statement, Ford Trucks have set a clear objective of eliminating emissions from heavy commercial fleet vehicles by 2040.
In this context, Ford Trucks currently working on various projects including fuel cells, electric powertrain options, and internal combustion hydrogen engines to cater to diverse fleet and customer requirements and align with the ACEA's Declaration of Transition to Zero Emission Freight Transportation-compliant 2040 target.
Ford Trucks had previously completed the design of a single-cylinder internal combustion engine for heavy commercial vehicles using hydrogen fuel for the first time, as well as the first engine start-up and ignition activity. Ford continues to conduct engine development experiments.
Developed and produced from scratch by Ford Trucks engineers, F-MAX achieved a successful breakthrough into international markets by winning the '2019 International Truck of the Year' award at Hannover, one of the world's most prestigious commercial vehicle fairs.