76 ANNEX: 2 PERFORMANCE TABLES Economical and Operational Indicators (TRYmillion) 2016 2017 2018 Sales revenues 18,289 25,341 33,292 EBITDA 1,567 2,182 2,854 Net profit 955 1,490 1,683 Economic value generated 18,289 25,341 33,292 Operating costs 15,933 22,338 22,219 Employee wages and benefits 872 1,005 1,238 Dividend payments 663 790 1,204 Taxes and liabilities paid directly to the government and paid as reverse charge 20 11 15 Community investments 22 27 42 Economic value distributed 17,510 24,171 24,718 Economic value retained 779 1,170 8,574 Total R&D budget 465 512 578 Total supply expenses 7,638 10,770 15,933 Total supply expenses from domestic suppliers 7,033 10,619 14,235 OHS Performance (Employee) 2016 2017 2018 Occupational Disease Rate (ODR) 0.05 0.03 0 Absenteeism rate 8,469.71 7,456.89 1,179.95 Number of work related fatalities 0 0 0 Lost Day Rate (LDR) 5.90 2.49 4.81 Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) 0.93 0.51 14.69* Total number of members involved in active OHS committees 146 162 162 Total number of employee representatives involved in active OHS committees 14 13 13 Average number of OHS training hours per employee 6.2 6.7 7.0 Total hours spent on OHS training 63,200 76,985 73,687 OHS Performance (Contractors) 2016 2017 2018 Occupational Disease Rate (ODR) 0 0 0 Injuries 0 0 0 Lost Day Rate (LDR) 0 0 0 Number of work related fatalities 0 0 0 Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) - 10.29 43.15* Total hours spent on OHS training 3,473 2,875.5 3,242 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS SOCIAL PERFORMANCE INDICATORS *In the Accident Frequency Rate (AFR) calculation, only the major accidents with 3 or more lost days were taken into account in 2016 and 2017 and calculation criteria were changed in 2018 to include accidents without lost days. This is the reason for the increase observed in 2018.