SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 69 Gender Equality Women have economic and social disadvantages in many countries all over the world. World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Gender Gap Index 2018 ranks Turkey 130 th among 149 countries. However, women’s empowerment plays a critical role in enabling long- term social stability and economic development. Investing in gender equality and women’s empowerment contributes to resolution to important social problems while also strengthening economy and private sector through different channels and creating new opportunities. As part of For My Country project, Gender Equality theme had been adopted to popularise social responsibility phenomenon among Koç Group companies, employees, dealers and suppliers between 2015 and 2017. Accordingly, at Ford Otosan, we adopt an inclusive economic business model among our supply chain, employees, customers and business partners; and develop a management approach that contributes to social wellbeing with a particular focus on social benefits. We are trying to execute our share of responsibility in the best possible way to raise awareness and create an equal work environment. As part of the Declaration on Equality at Work which we signed in 2013, we adopt the principle of equality of men and women in all activities within the company, including recruitment processes. Woman in the Traffic
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