58 Employees constitute the foundations of our competitive advantage and power in the sector with the difference they create through their skills and abilities. This year, we focused on Ford Otosan’s common culture structure which supports its vision, mission and strategy with the commitment of its employees and we called this Dynamic Balance Culture. We see the employees as the most important architects of this common culture as both the determinants and implementers of common values and cultural principles. We initiate various projects that support the Dynamic Balance Culture in our human resource processes, that are based on efficiency across the company and that serve to Lean Transformation. We consider occupational health and safety as a material issue in maintaining our power and we invest in talent management and employee loyalty. We support our work environment, our corporate culture and our way of working with the principles of diversity and inclusion, being aware of the opportunities created by equal opportunity and diversity in the workplace. By investing in our employees, we contribute to the progress in Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Reduced Inequalities goals among the Sustainable Development Goals. Our strategic goals with our innovative human resources implementations are; • To be among the top ten companies that are most preferred for work, • To become a leading Human Resources brand with sustainable and innovative applications, • To be among the top ten companies listed among the best employers in Turkey according to Employee Loyalty Survey reports, • To be respectful of differences and ethical values by placing importance on equal opportunity in all HR applications, • To use technology effectively to design, implement and sustain integrated Human Resources practices. We work to provide all our employees (a total of 10,598 with 24% in office and 76% in the field) with a completely healthy work environment and help them to improve their competencies. We consider occupational health and safety as a material issue in maintaining our power and we invest in talent management and employee commitment. INVESTING IN EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES PER CATEGORY 76% FIELD 24% OFFICE
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