54 In line with the responsibility for natural resource use, we aim to manage our environmental performance decently in parallel with financial growth. Natural Resource andWaste Management Efficient use of limited natural resources is especially critical for our sector in which raw materials are highly consumed. In line with the responsibility for natural resource use, we aim to manage our environmental performance decently in parallel with financial growth. We monitor not only our water consumption per vehicle, but also wastewater per vehicle, total waste, disposed waste, recycled waste and hazardous waste values. We develop projects in order to reduce and recycle the amount of water we use as part of water management. We recover 290 thousand m 3 water within the production cycle yearly at our Kocaeli and Inönü factories. Furthermore, we plan to put the new system into operation in 2019 which has been redesigned to recover approximately 75-80% of the water that goes to wastewater treatment plants. In 2018, the total water consumption was 1.17 million m 3 constituting of 1.16 million m 3 ground water and 12,500 m 3 municipal water. The recovered and reused water was 25% of the total amount. 2016 2017 2018 Target (2021) Water consumption per vehicle (m 3 /vehicle) 2.98 2.74 3.14 2.41 Target 2018 Wastewater per vehicle (m 3 /vehicle) 0.97 Total waste generated per vehicle (kg/vehicle) 257.498 Waste disposed per vehicle (kg/vehicle) 0.574 Waste recovered per vehicle (kg/vehicle) 256.924 Hazardous waste per vehicle (kg/vehicle) 21.518 WATER CONSUMPTION PER VEHICLE PRODUCED (M 3 /VEHICLE) Realised Goal 3.5 3 2.5 1.5 2 1 0 2016 2017 2018 2021 3.07 2.94 2.8 2.41 2.98 2.47 3.14 0.5 ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY