52 We have a wide range of ongoing works in order to reach our energy and GHG emission goals, from improving consumed energy source to various efficiency optimisations. We place importance on supplying the energy we consume from renewable energy sources. Thus, we raised our renewable energy consumption from 89 GJ in 2017 to 2,368 GJ in 2018. We implemented Solarwall in our plants at Gölcük and Sancaktepe. Solarwall system enables heating the air by using sunlight that reach to the exterior of the building through sheet metal panels that cover the exterior of the building. We fulfilled some of our heating needs this way and thus saved significant amount of energy along with financial savings. To reduce our emissions due to logistics is one of our environmental responsibilities. With this purpose, we prefer sea and rail ways in all our shipments. We have ISPS Certificates and TSE Green Port certificates in all our Ford Otosan ports, showing that we reduced our impacts on environment and human health. With the energy projects we carry out, we saved 79,869 GJ of energy with a 12% increase compared to 2017 and prevented 4,860.6 ton CO 2 e emissions. We have the goal to continuously improve our energy efficiency through innovations and maintain the positive trend in the next years. Depending on the efficiency levels we achieved within our processes in 2018, we reduced our energy consumption in total. Thus, we reduced our total energy consumption to 2 million GJ with a decrease of 8.4% compared to 2017. We have ISPS Certificates and TSE Green Port certificates in all Ford Otosan ports, showing that we reduced our impacts on environment and human health. ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY 2017 2018 79.9 71.6 ENERGY SAVED BY ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROJECTS (GJ) %12 INCREASE
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