SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 19 Every year, we implement an internal control plan including all company operations besides the policies, procedures and instructions that are as part of the workflows and an integral part of the internal audit system. Thanks to this structure, more than 3,000 control points are tested each year with the goal to assure the Board of Directors and partners about the integrity of company operations. The Audit Committee, a sub-committee of the Board of Directors, regularly monitors all internal control and audit activities and reviews and confirms annual audit plans. Committee makes the necessary suggestions to the Board of Directors and inform them about their opinions on the conformity of financial reports. Every year, the Internal Audit Department carries out regular reviews within the company. Furthermore, Ford Otosan Dealers and Authorised Service Shops are also subjected to audits. Moreover, notifications and grievances received about our company’s activities are assessed, reviewed and settled by the Internal Audit Department. Based on the assessments of findings obtained during the internal control, internal audit and external audit activities, corrective actions are planned to improve the internal control system and these actions are implemented under the supervision of the Internal Audit Department. Reports and results related to these actions are regularly reported to the Audit Committee, consisting of the Independent Members of the Board. All stakeholders may report an incident via email ( , ethics hotline (0850 305 50 10) or “Ethics Communication Form” on , by indicating their contact details or may report to the Internal Audit Department anonymously. New notification channels were established in addition to the existing ones to ensure any non-conforming issue to the Code of Conduct and Ethics could be notified. All stakeholders may report an incident via email ( ), ethics hotline (0850 305 50 10) or “Ethics Communication Form” on, by indicating their contact details or may report to the Internal Audit Department anonymously. All incidents notified to the means of corporate communications of the company in addition to these channels are received and assessed thoroughly. In 2018, 32 notifications were received by the ethics communication channels, and Disciplinary Board decisions were taken for 15 of them. There were no significant case violating the legal regulations or company policies against bribery and corruption risks in our company operations within the scope of internal control and audit performed within the reporting period. Similarly, no significant adverse incidents were reported regarding any bribery or corruption case for the operations of an existing dealer and supplier.
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