18 The Ethics Board is in charge of implementation and supervision of the Code of Ethics. Ethics Board assesses the Internal Audit and Ethics Committee’s decisions and actions, and conveys its opinions, demands and suggestions to the Internal Audit and Ethics Committee. They inform the Board of Directors, if required. The duties of the Ethics Board are executed by the Audit Committee which reports directly to the Board of Directors. Internal Audit and Ethics Committee operating under the Ethics Board supervises the functionality of ethics governance body throughout the Company, actions and decisions of the Ethics Assessment Board, the results of notifications that were received by the Company and ongoing investigations and anticipated corrective action plans. This committee includes members of the Ethics Assessment Board along with the Company’s General Manager, the Head of Deputy General Managers and the Deputy General Manager in charge of Financial Affairs. The Ethics Assessment Board composed of Human Resources Director, Legal Affairs Manager and Internal Audit Manager plans and implements actions that would ensure conformance to Code of Ethics, carries out necessary investigations, determines corrective actions and maintains the required coordination in the related departments. The identity of the notifying person as well as the investigation process is kept confidential throughout all ethics processes. While the claims are investigated, the rights of the accused person are respected. It is strictly prohibited to present a hostile behaviour or retaliate against the notifying person. If deemed necessary by the Ethics Assessment Board or Internal Audit and Ethics Committee, the issue can be submitted to the attention of the Disciplinary Committee. In order to ensure conformity to Code of Conduct and Ethics, we regularly inform Ford Otosan Family including the Members of the Board, employees and representatives acting on behalf of the company about these principles and rules, review the claims of violation in earnest, enforce necessary sanctions in the event of violation, take corrective actions, and update and improve the Code of Conduct and Ethics according to the needs of the time. Every year, we inform our employees on the Code of Conduct and Ethics and measure their level of knowledge to ensure the Code of Conduct and Ethics are implemented. In 2018, we had several internal announcements to raise awareness through means of internal communication. An introductory film about the Code of Ethics called “We Protect Our Ethical Values and Carry Them to the Future” was released and “Q&A Form for Ethics Notification Channels” and “Code of Ethics” were distributed to the employees in the same announcement, both in Turkish and in English. Relevant means of communication were used regarding our ethical values during the campaign held in our company against violence and during the Women’s Day event. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT In order to raise awareness of Code of Conduct we engage employees through different communication channels.
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