SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018 17 Members of the committees operating under the Board of Directors are selected from the Board. These committees include Audit Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, Committee for Early Identification and Management of Risks, and Remuneration Committee. Nomination Committee’s duties are executed by the Corporate Governance Committee. ETHICS, TRANSPARENCY AND INTERNAL AUDIT STRUCTURE At Ford Otosan, we are committed to adopt conformance to the international agreements which the Republic of Turkey is a party of as well as the United Nations Global Compact and act based on principles of integrity and honesty as well as accountability and transparency. Employees and managers consider the Code of Conduct and Ethics during all their activities and operations. Employees and managers base their actions on continuous improvement, participation, transparency, impartiality, honesty, protecting the interests of the company, accountability, predictability and reliability in statement during the course of the works. Our main goal is to carry out all our activities as per the legislation we are subject to, be the best in quality, service and dealer relations, create sustainable shareholder value and act in compliance with the highest ethics standards. Main goals of Ford Otosan in risk management are to predict, manage and monitor potential risks in every field, and create action plans required for risk and crisis management. The Board of Directors, Committee for Early Identification and Management of Risks, Audit Committee and Senior Management of Ford Otosan are regularly informed about the risks. You can access risk management and internal audit works from Ford Otosan’s 2018 Annual Report. We adopt a zero-risk policy in the anti-corruption. Anti-Corruption Policy and procedures and instructions issued based on this policy have been defined adopting this approach. We have a zero-tolerance principle for bribery, corruption and misconducts, regardless of its amount and whether or not it is in favour of or to the detriment of the company. You can access Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. Code of Ethics from here. We inform our employees about methods and processes involved in the anti-corruption as part of anti-corruption training. As of the end of 2018, our employees were provided 3,054person*hour training as part of Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption. We make sure all persons and organisations with whom we have business relations with act in conformance to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and ethics. Accordingly, our suppliers were provided 1,904 person*hour training covering including ethical issues and anti-bribery and anti-corruption in 2018. The Code of Ethics was put into effect in 2018 with the confirmation of the Board of Directors. Ethics Board, Internal Audit and Ethics Committee and Ethics Assessment Board were established as part of the governance structure which was redesigned to ensure conformity to Code of Ethics throughout the company. Furthermore, an Ethics Coordinator position was created to assess and follow up ethics violation notifications more effectively within the restructured process. You can access Ford Otomotiv Sanayi A.Ş. Anti-Corruption Policy from here.
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